A quick impression will be given here of what can be done with SWASH and to get an idea of the validation performance of SWASH.
A number of analytical and laboratory test cases have been selected to convey the capabilities of the model to deal with
several processes such as wave propagation, dispersion, refraction, diffraction, flooding and drying, moving shoreline,
hydraulic jumps, cross-shore motions of irregular breaking waves, surf beats, infragravity waves, short crestness, nearshore
circulations, setups induced by breaking waves, waves against a strong current, wave interaction with a pontoon, wave growth by
wind, and buoyancy driven flows.
For more information, please contact me.
Standing wave in closed basin
- structured grid
- unstructured grid
Fifth order Stokes wave in flume
Second order bichromatic wave group
Beji and Battjes experiment
Berkhoff shoal
Solitary wave run-up on a conical island
Hydraulic jump in open river
Boers 1B experiment
Boers 1C experiment
- Cartesian mesh
- unstructured triangular mesh
Petten sea defence (case 1.04: measured storm condition)
Petten sea defence (case 2.51: high wave steepness)
Waves and currents on a barred beach with rip channels
Infragravity waves over fringing reef
Short-crested waves over 2D barred basin with wave-driven circulation
Monochromatic waves against a strong steady current
Lock exchange test
Depth-limited wave growth by wind
Solitary wave past a pontoon