Downloads |
SWASH source code
The source code for the latest stable release can be
downloaded here. This distribution may be
implemented on Windows, Linux, macOS and Unix-like systems, provided a
Fortran90 compiler is available.
To build the software, unpack the source tarball and follow the instructions
in INSTALL.README at the top of the source code tree.
Please check
this page
for possible bug fixes or resolved issues.
SWASH binaries
Pre-compiled binary distributions of SWASH 11.01 for Windows,
Linux and macOS are also provided.
Note that the tar files can be extracted in any folder and has no further installation steps. Do not forget to add the
installed folder to your path.
PDF manuals
The following manuals in PDF format can be downloaded: the User Manual,
the Scientific/technical documentation and the
Implementation Manual.
Test cases
A dozen examples of test cases can be downloaded
for your own purpose of testing SWASH on your computer. These examples
consist of command files, possible data for comparison, Matlab scripts for output purposes
and PNG plots with SWASH results.
Previous releases
The following old (non-supported) version of SWASH is available for download:
SWASH 10.05A
This is the previous stable release of SWASH.